Jamu is a traditional health tonic which is enjoyed the world over. In North America we know it as Goldyn tonic, or if coconut milk is added golden mylk. Today I had the experience to learn from a Balinese herbalist who works at the Udara Resort and creates all the fantastic Vegetarian meals here. This tonic is enjoyed for creating better gastrointestinal health, thereby boosting the immunity. It’s recommended to sip 2x per day, once in the morning on an empty tummy and again in the pm after lunch before dinner.
100g of turmeric
30g ginger
30g temulawak or Japanese ginger
30-100 g of tamarind,
Pinch of pepper
If you like some fresh coconut palm sugar! (Optional)
To this add 400 ml of water., if you don t like it too strong add up to 800 ml
Scrub the ingredients then pour hot water over them to remove dirt and to purify before you peel.
Chop into small pieces
Add the first three ingredients and the water blend, then boil the concoction, as soon as its boiled take off the heat.
Add the tamarind
Add black pepper at the end to boost the benefits of turmeric. If you d like an added boost you can add virgin coconut oil
This creates 2-3 delicious mug fulls
The coconut fresh palm sugar is only added to enhance the 5 flavour experience.
Sweet: sugar
Sour:with tamarind
Bitter: with temulawak
Spicy :ginger
Pungent:with turmeric
In Chinese medicine we feel you benefit from all of the 5 flavours.
The Turmeric has natural anti inflammatory properties and high in antioxidants.
Ginger’s great for the digestive system, and to decrease bloating
Temulawak or Japanese ginger is similar to turmeric and is an amazing blood and liver cleanser. I ll have to see if I can purchase this in Vancouver.
Tamarind helps lower blood cholesterol, its similar to limein what it does but there is more fibre and more gastrointestinal friendly. Delicious sour taste
Palm sugar for fibre and Extra energy
Have some lemon grass? You can add at the end as well.
If you have you may add pandanus, an aromatic great for body oil aromatherapy and cooking (its also used in the offerings) This helps to cleanse your body spirit and mind.
Serve slightly warmed, and enjoy!