Dao Labs

Greenetea Acupuncture is excited to work with DAO LABs.


Dao Labs products are easy to use and fall under eight main categories:

Immunity support, digestive harmony, emotional balance, women’s formula, joint vitality, mental tranquility ,physical tranquility ,postpartum support, menopausal support.

As a busy practitioner I see many types of patients concerns and one that keeps re-occurring at this time of year, are young adults trying to cope with stress. Mental tranquility is based off an ancient formula Gui Pi tang. This formula serves the young adult very well its great for:

  • A racing mind that wont turn off throughout the night
  • Reducing nighttime anxiousness and stress
  • Helping one stay asleep, not just fall asleep
  • Increasing mental clarity and focus the next day
  • Establishing a quality sleep pattern

Each of the packages are based from proven classic Chinese formulas with modifications to make the herbs tasty and easy to use. The herbs are initially tested in Asia and then re-tested and packaged in a U.S. facility that uses the industry’s most rigorous testing standards and inspection processes.

Every herb runs through a minimum of 10 different tests before being certified for safe . consumption. All completed formulas are then tested for authenticity by an independent third party. I really like the way their web page is presented. It gives a fantastic overview of whats in the products, how it works scientifically, who the product is for, and what results you can expect. There is a ton of information that is extremely current and helpful.

I have already tried several of the packages and find it a delicious way to take my herbs. Especially good for people who are not able to take pill forms of any product. You can order the products right here via this link, when you use the code GREENETEA in your checkout you will get another 10% off.

Prices are in both CAD and USD just click on the top right

type in GREENETEA at checkout to get your 10% Off! Please contact me if you have any questions on these products and are interested to give them a try.

Acupuncture Only Minutes From Home
In Sunny South Surrey/White Rock.